Thursday, May 2, 2024

Going Short

Well, that escalated quickly. I had already positioned defensively for 2024, overweight cash in a federal money market paying 5.2% (now 5.3%). I still have positions in SP500 and a high quality dividend fund. When inflation data started feeling sticky again in February/March, I closed out my EDV and TLT positions with small losses. I also sold most of my single stock positions for profits. All proceeds are sitting in the federal money market and I am happy to collect interest on it all year if cuts don't materialize. My older bond ladder goes through 2026. I'll be looking to lock in medium or longer term rates and slowly increasing my stock allocation if and when interest rate policy changes. For now, there is nothing wrong with a pile of cash. The irony of Dollar Death Spiral investing mostly in dollars is not lost on me. Who is that idiot in the mirror?