Thursday, March 15, 2012

SNAP participation hits 15%

The federal food stamp program, known as SNAP, has still growing participation rates. As of December, 2011, there were over 46.5 million people on SNAP. To qualify for SNAP, you need to have poverty level income and less than $2,000 in assets. Looking at the trends after the end of previous recessions, the participation rates began falling. After the 2001 recession, the rate peaked three years after the recession, then began falling. We are almost four full years away from the end of the last recession and rates are still climbing. The rate might be topping out here but the evidence is unclear.


  1. It's all biscuits and gravy from here!

    Minus the gravy of course. And come to think of it, not so sure about the biscuits.

  2. Stagflationary Mark,

    I am pretty sure you can buy biscuits with EBT cards, which is a plus. If the day comes when you can't, we'll have to get by on Limp Bizkits.

  3. A dog can get mighty hungry if he doesn't get his gravy train.

    No offense intended to food stamp recipients. I'm talking about those truly raking in the gravy.

  4. Stagflationary Mark,

    I wonder if you can use EBT for dog food. For dogs, I mean, not for people eating dog food, but who knows.
