Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cash Out Auto Financing

The financial system is still rife with fraud and fantastical deals. Or maybe it is even worse than during the housing bubble as financial frauds are done in broad daylight with no consequences (MF Global, PFGBest, JPM "hedging", etc).

Here is something new I got in an email today from my credit union. An offer to finance 120% of a new or used automobile. Terms:
  • Finance up to 120% of the MSRP or RNADA value!
  • Flexible repayment terms!
  • Online approval in minutes!
You get three different exclamation points and credit in minutes! (bonus exclamation point). I wonder if I could do a cash out deal on a used car. Caution, you are entering the sarcasm zone.


  1. Caution, you are entering the sarcasm zone.

    I am not in danger. I AM the danger! ;)

  2. Stagflationary Mark,

    The sarcasm of this post orbits the center of the sarcasm solar system at Illusion of Prosperity.

  3. Your theory goes against my most basic sarcastic beliefs!

    1. The world is flat.
    2. Storks deliver babies.
    3. The Fed will fix all of our problems.

    Hahaha! ;)

  4. Stagflationary Mark,

    PhD economists and the financial media only believe in #3 so they are only 1/3 as sarcastic as you.

  5. October 2005
    The World Is Spiky

    We are thus confronted with a difficult predicament. Economic progress requires that the peaks grow stronger and taller. But such growth will exacerbate economic and social disparities, fomenting political reactions that could threaten further innovation and economic progress. Managing the disparities between peaks and valleys worldwide—raising the valleys without shearing off the peaks—will be among the top political challenges of the coming decades.

    Good luck on that one!
