Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I gotta wear a welding mask

The retail news over the last week has been so bright that "shades" aren't strong enough to protect my eyes from the blinding light. I gotta wear a welding mask.

Target profit down 13%

Staples's net drops 15%; company cuts year view

American Eagle Outfitters issues downbeat outlook

Wal-Mart drop in sales reveals a tale of two consumers

Those are the retailers that are doing well. Sick retailers like JC Penney are bleeding cash from every orifice and may not survive the next year.

J.C. Penney reports Q2 loss of $586 million

There is always some creative destruction going on, but when the strong, healthy businesses start to turn down, well, it smells like a business cycle even through the Fed has not approved any future business cycles in their minutes. note: this post is laced with sarcasm


  1. IMDB: Sunshine (2007) - Quotes

    Searle: Icarus, how close is this to full brightness?

    Icarus: At this distance of 36 million miles, you are observing the sun at two percent of full brightness.

    Searle: Two percent? Can you show me four percent?

    Icarus: Four percent would result in irreversible damage to your retinas.

  2. One more!

    Capa: It's the problem right there. Between the boosters and the gravity of the sun the velocity of the payload will get so great that space and time will become smeared together and everything will distort. Everything will be unquantifiable.

    Taper! This isn't rocket science. ;)

  3. Stagflationary Mark,

    Icarus learned about "wax off" the hard way.

    I still haven't seen Sunshine. That is going on my reminder list right now.

  4. My criteria for a good movie is simple. Would I watch it again?

    I've seen it about 3 times if memory serves. It shows up on one of the channels every now and then. IFC? Sundance? Not sure.

    It's visually stunning (so don't see it in low-def). That alone makes me want to watch it, in the same way Alien was. I think if you like the latter and can forgive some scientific inaccuracies (some just to make the plot work and to appeal to "common knowledge" of the audience), then it should definitely be worth your time. It's R-rated for a reason. Just warning you.

  5. I can definitely get past some scientific inaccuracies as long as they are not egregious. The R-rating just means I can't let my youngest watch it. The question will be my wife. She has a low tolerance for sci-fi and can only take it in doses.

  6. How long can a human live unprotected in space?

    1. It would make for a boring movie perhaps.
    2. Most of the audience already "knows" something different.

    I've got a physics degree and only recently did I question the common knowledge on that one. I stumbled upon an article about space suits.

    Space Suit

    Advanced suits better regulate the astronaut's temperature with a Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVG) in contact with the astronaut's skin, from which the heat is dumped into space through an external radiator in the PLSS.

    Liquid cooling! You know, so you don't freeze to death right away. ;)
