Sunday, December 1, 2013

Obama declares victory for

According to Politico,
the Obama administration said Sunday that it achieved its goal of making work for the “vast majority” of users after the disastrous start of enrollment in the president’s signature health law.
"Vast majority" is defined as 80% of people that visit. Let's see, how about 80% of your checks clear the bank, or 80% of your credit card transactions work. Is that acceptable if the "vast majority" of your transactions work? Four out of five? I can't think of a single commercial web site where it is considered successful if it works 80% of the time. In fact, I can't think of another public web site with a bar that low. That is an arbitrary and terrible precedent. However, it is what the government does when it abjectly fails. Declare victory and go home. Mission accomplished!


  1. I will consider myself very fortunate if I get the vast majority (80%) of my Social Security benefits.

    It's also good to know that the vast majority of Americans are not on food stamps (just 47.7 million in August, clearly a vast minority).

    I'm liking this new way of expressing depressing math. It's got a very positive vibe about it.

    I just wish I could say that the vast majority of Americans were not living paycheck to paycheck. That's only 35%. Seriously.

  2. Stagflationary Mark,

    The vast majority of your Social Security benefits will surely be paid. I think the vast majority of US debt will be repaid if we ignore inflation. I am sure the vast majority of politicians would agree, vastly.

  3. Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak. - John Adams


    A propaganda lubricant for weak economies.

    I think it is safe to say that my quote isn't quite as classy as his. ;)
